
Documentation: Germany + Brazil ‘Connected Cultures’

Connected Cultures is running until 9 June on the Galeria de Arte Digital SESI-SP, Avenida Paulista 1313, Sao Paulo


Public Art Lab: Germany + Brazil ‘Connected Cultures’

15 May – 9 June 2013
Galeria de Arte Digital SESI-SP, Avenida Paulista 1313, Sao Paulo

Susa Pop from Public Art Lab Berlin together with Marilia Pasculli from Verve Cultural Sao Paulo curate an artistic programme for the SESI/FIESP building’s media facade in Sao Paulo. The programme ‘Brasil-Alemanha: Culturas Conectadas’ will run from 15 May to 9 June in the frame of the event Germany + Brazil 2013-14.


Urban IxD: Designing Human Interactions in the Networked City

UrbanIxD is a Coordination Action project, running from 2013-2014, for the European Commission under the Future and Emerging Technologies programme. The project will define a coherent multidisciplinary research community working in the domain of technologically augmented, data-rich urban environments, with particular focus on the human activities, experiences and behaviours that occur within them (Interaction Design).


Connecting Cities Network turned 1

July 1st was not only Canada Day and the day of the official accession of Croatia to the European Union – we also celebrated the 1st anniversary of the Connecting Cities Network!


Media Architecture Institute: Exhibition at ISEA 2013 in Sydney

The Media Architecture Institute is presenting the six winning projects from the inaugural Media Architecture Awards, as well as a selection of outstanding projects from the book New Media Facades, as part of the Media Facade Exhibition 2013 at Customs House, Sydney.

