Connecting Cities Network turned 1


July 1st was not only Canada Day and the day of the official accession of Croatia to the European Union – we also celebrated the 1st anniversary of the Connecting Cities Network!

In this first year, we have been setting up internal and external communication structures as well as collecting technical data of our cities’ urban media infrastructures – whether it be media facades, digitals screens or suitable projection sites. As a result, the first round of Connecting Cities Events that connect our cities in real-time through interactive new media artworks will happen in autum 2013 under the curatorial topic of ‘Networked City’. A programme including each city’s events will soon be uploaded on this website.

We are also very happy that the Connecting Cities Network could extend already in its first year: Besides the 11 founding co-organisers, CCN involves now also 6 associated cultural institutions as well as streaming partner Streampark TV and media partner ARTE Creative. You can find the complete list of partners here.

As an outlook for the coming year, let’s mention the extension of our website and its functions as well as the diversification of our social media activities (facebookers be prepared!). On the production side, there will be Connecting Cities Events under the topic ‘Networked City’ until November 2013 as well as an international conference in the framework of the Amber Festival in Istanbul.

By the end of 2013, our second call for artistic projects will be published on our website – this time with the curatorial topic of ‘Participatory City 2014′.

Adaptation of Project Blinkenlights by Chaos Computer Club