
THE CONSTITUTE (Based in Berlin and Dresden)

With specially modified fog machines, interactive technologies and projectors The Constitute is exploring the urban space beyond the permanent screens and facades. Based on the idea of meeting in the “cloud” – as a digital third space between people – the aim is to communicate in real time between two cities through a fog cloud. A holographic, elusive and ephemeric display is set up in two cities to enable people to communicate by this data cloud. The artists use fog creators, or similar technics to create clouds or cloudlike objects onto which they are able to project. By this an illusion is set up that creates the imagination of a spacial representation of the scanned people.
When a person steps into the interaction zone, the fog machines start and he or she will be three dimensionally scanned and displayed into the fog cloud and can now interact with his or her avatar. This avatar can be randomly different or very similar to the scanned person. After a while another person appears in the cloud. This person is standing in another city using the same installation. They meet in the cloud, a spatial, real time, scaled skype across the continent.
By traced movements, gestures can be used to create signs and by integrating sound, a spoken conversation is possible.

Partners: Produced by Public Art Lab in Berlin and adapted by FACT in Liverpool; Foundation Bauhaus Dessau in Dessau and Foundation Riga 2014 in Riga

Ready to Cloud by The Constitute © The Constitute
Ready to Cloud by The Constitute during the Connecting Cities Event at Bauhaus Dessau 2013 © Ruthe Zuntz


Artist biography

The Constitute was founded in 2012 by Christian Zöllner and Sebastian Piatza. It focuses on the research and development of interactive experiences for public spaces. The lab-style group focus on the potency of academic research, artistic practice and economic reason to create outstanding and unique objects, processes and experiences. Within the last years they have showcased their work internationally, collaborating with clients and partners from cultural organisations, media industries and research institutions. They regularly give courses and workshops in different academic institutions, helping students and professionals redefining and refining their personal expertise.
Before The Constitute, the core members were active in various other collectives and institutions, such as VR/Urban. Under this Berlin-based urban media collective, they created the SMSlingshot, a digital augmented wooden slingshot enabling people to shoot short messages onto public walls. For Ready to Cloud, The Constitute teams up with Julian Adenauer from Sonice Develpment and Dominic Kießling from the Pfadfinderei Collective in Berlin. Ready to Cloud is also supported by Armin Riedel.


Tech info

Materials: Projector, customised fog machine, motion tracking camera, internet connection


6+7.9.2013 DESSAU @ Bauhaus Dessau Aquarium (University building 08), 9pm-11pm
6+7.9.2013 LIVERPOOL @ FACT, 8.30-10pm
15-18.11.2013, RIGA @ tbd.