Sep 201411 - 14

Connecting Cities Event: Urban Reflections @ Public Art Lab Berlin


Connecting Cities Event: Urban Reflections

11 - 14 September 2014, Connecting Cities: Urban Reflections – Light Parcours, Brunnenstraße Berlin, Germany
11 - 13 September 2014, Connecting Cities: Urban Reflections – Symposium
11 - 13 September 2014, Connecting Cities: Urban Reflections – Workshops

Connecting Cities will make the neighborhood shine!

You are invited to explore artistic strategies and cultural potentialities of media facades & urban screens. Public Art Lab and SUPERMARKT will turn Northern Brunnenstrasse in the Wedding-district into a boulevard of prototypes and projections during the Kulturfestival Wedding-Moabit! Wedding, an area in Berlin, is known for its cultural diversity and density of cultures.

This year’s Connecting Cities Event in Berlin entitled 'Connecting Cities: Urban Reflections' introduces the city vision Participatory City 2014 into the 'Brunnenkiez' (local neighborhood). During 'Connecting Cities: Urban Reflections' the focus lies on the participation of citizens and pedestrians in artistic scenarios and explore the possibilities of local community building through networked media art. From 11-14 September 2014 a rich programme with workshops, talks, panel discussions, a symposium and a Light Parcours including audiovisual works and an urban dinner will take place.

Light Parcours:
- Urban Alphabets by Suse Miessner
- Occupy the Screen by Paul Sermon & Charlotte Gould
- Telepresent Gallery by Public Art Lab
- Human Beeing by The Constitute
- Hybrid Screen by Marius Hoggenmüller
- Borders and Migration by Screen City with artists & works by Silvia Ospina (CO): Animals- ein Tanzduett | HD Video| 4’00 min | 2008, Dario Bardic (NL): LUNCHTIME | HD Video | 1’00 min | 2009, Bjørn Magnhildøen (NO): Crossover | HD Video | 1’17 min | 2013, Chris Brandl (DE): NO TOI | animation| 0’30 min | 2008, Chris Brandl (DE): MONEY4NOTHING | animation| 0’18 min | 2009, Jessica Koppe (DE): and even If | cut-out animation| 2’10 min | 2011, Zanny Begg (AU): This is not a Citizen | Film & animation| 3’10 min | 2013 // Curators: Daniela Arriado (CL/NO) / Mirjam Struppek (DE) //
- Videoprogramme by Videospread with artists & works by After Fès, Séoul, We'll become oil, Glucose, Centipede Sun // Curators: Céline Jouenne (FR)
- Hall of Fame by Quartiersmanagement Brunnestraße
- Wunsch/Brunnen/Viertel by Leuphana University
- Interaktives Fassaden-Mapping auf dem Schloss Elisabethenburg von Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (HCI/Media Architecture)

More information about the full programme & symposia here.